Mister Eyeballs (DDH) (American IPA | 21A) - Tasting

Mister Eyeballs (DDH) (American IPA 21A) - Tasting

A west coast IPA with Citra, Nelson Sauvin and LUPOMAX Idaho 7 hops.

Recipe for this post can be found here.


At 2 weeks in the keg, the beer has a pale golden straw color. It still has a little haze, which should clear up in the keg. It pours an inch of fluffy white foam with good head retention and lacing.


You can smell this one from a mile away. Tons of sweet citrus and melon jump out at me. As it warms, the aroma becomes a little more intense.


The beer has moderate carbonation and finishes on the dry side. The taste is really enjoyable. Tangerine, white grape and citrus notes dominate. It finishes with a moderate bitterness.


This beer clocked in at 6.3% ABV and is super crushable. It’s refreshing, hoppy and the finish begs another sip. I’m super pleased with how this one turned out.

For the double dry hopping, I dry hopped once in the unitank right before the end of fermentation. For the 2nd dry hopping, I added them directly to the keg. Because of this I didn’t carbonate the beer in the unitank, but instead burst carbonated in the keg. This method of double dry hopping worked really well and I intend to use it in the future on both west coast and hazy IPAs.
